Allan Manuel

Expert In Sales Leadership &
SaaS GTM Strategy 

My Mission

“Helping SaaS companies expand into new markets by optimising their GTM motion and creating high-performing sales teams.”

Since graduating as a Physiotherapist (PT) in 2010, Allan Manuel has been able to harness his health background and learn from sales leaders to drive the GTM strategy for some amazing tech companies. Allan is currently Senior Regional Sales Manager for MINDBODY. Before this role he was Head of Sales for Blys – Australia’s Leading On-Demand Wellness Platform.   

Allan’s experience with startups has bred a culture of experimentation in his work, while his time with scale-ups and mature companies has given him the skills to optimise systems and processes.

This leaves Allan uniquely qualified to assist SaaS companies irrespective of their lifecycle.


The Non Clinical PT

Common Causes for Stagnant GTM Growth

Marketing Alignment

When the marketing team is working in a silo, a disconnect between sales occurs. This causes poorly optimised copy, poor localisation, bidding for the wrong keywords and a focus on the wrong metrics. Not to mention mismanaged customer expectations!

Poor Activation

If there is too much friction or time with a new customer reaching ‘time to value’ or the ‘A-Ha’ moment for your product, word of mouth will be negligible. This will drive up your CAC and result in an over-reliance on paid acquisition.

Focus on Lagging Metrics

Lagging metrics such as bookings, % to quota and NNS don’t inspire sales teams. If leadership are focused on these metrics, the directives often become ‘sell more, work harder’. This can kill morale and drive down productivity.

Living in the Ivory Tower

When leadership don’t actively participate in coaching, skip-level meetings or customer-facing calls – they are making decisions without feedback from the front-line. This can also prevent reps from ‘feeling heard’ which is detrimental to GTM success.

Hierarchical Decision Making

When decisions are made without consulting your front-line team you will not get buy-in from reps and initiatives can fall flat before they are launched. Additionally, you will be flying blind and not making decisions with all available information.

Inability to Easily Track Key Events

You cannot improve what you can’t measure. Many GTM initiatives fail because the CRM has not been configured for reps to easily track ‘table stakes’ data such as conversion rate, demos held, TAL via lead source etc

What The Fastest Growing Saas Companies Are Doing

The fastest-growing SaaS companies have a relentless focus on value (and articulate this correctly!), a best-in-class product, a well-oiled sales machine and minimise friction across every touch-point to help the customer organically refer.  

Focus on Value

Value emanates from every interaction with the customer – from the landing page focusing on benefits, to the sales team leading with insights, to the onboarding and support experience delighting the customer. This ‘value-selling’ approach must be part of any sales interaction – otherwise it’s a ‘race to the bottom’ against your compeition. 

value icon

Strong Competitive Moat

Without a strong competitive moat, your discounting will increase and GTM efforts will stall. If you have the competitive moat, it’s crucial this is reinforced throughout the customer journey so they can easily conceptualise why your solution is preferable over the (often cheaper) competition. 

Data-Driven Sales Teams

CRM hygiene isn’t typically a strong-suite for sales reps – but if you can reduce friction and make it easy for reps to ‘know their business’ – they will be more aligned on the leading metrics that matter. This will also result in greater alignment from marketing, onboarding and customer success. 


Customer Lifecycle Nurturing

With the proper tracking plan in place, personalised communication for certain milestones will reduce churn considerably. This shouldn’t only be in the domain of marketing, but also form an important part of Onboarding, Account Management and Customer Success.  

What You’ll Get

An individualised game-plan that will give you: 

   Greater GTM Growth

  Playbook for scalable success 

Happier, more motivated sales reps  

Learn how to kick-start your GTM Expansion

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